General Eye Care
Why do I need a comprehensive eye exam?

Regardless of your age or physical health, it’s important to have regular comprehensive eye exams. Many eye and vision problems have no obvious signs or symptoms, so you might not know a problem exists. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent vision loss.
What is a comprehensive eye exam?
Comprehensive eye exams at Midwest Eye Centers assess how your eyes work together as a team, check for common eye diseases, and give an indication of your overall health. It includes the following:
- Neurological screening
- Eye pressure screening for glaucoma
- Vision acuity testing for functionality and field vision
- Eye health exam for diseases such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts, and dry eye
- Examine for health problems that are visible in the eyes, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, allergies, stress and autoimmune diseases
- Dilation of pupils to examine retina as needed
Determination of the appropriate treatment plan that can include eyeglasses or contact lenses*, eye exercises or surgery for muscle problems, medical treatment for eye disease or a simply a recommendation that you have your eyes examined again in a specific period of time.
*Contact lenses prescriptions require an additional exam and fitting fee.